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Education Musicale

Année 2024-2025

Collège Joliot Curie - Vivonne
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home
Couplet 1
I looked over Jordan, and what did I see? Coming for to carry me home
A band of angels coming after me
Coming for to carry me home
If you get there before I do
Coming for to carry me home
Tell all my friends I'm coming too
Coming for to carry me home
Couplet 3
The brightest day that I can say
Coming for to carry me home
When Jesus washed my sins away
Coming for to carry me home
Extrait du film "The Fighting Temptations" dans lequel une modeste chorale chante "swing Low" pour des prisonniers.
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